Broadband Infraco Integrated Annual Report 2019
The Chairman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), on behalf of the Board of Directors, present Broadband Infraco’s Integrated Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2019.
This report covers the total performance of the Company, its financial and
other resources over a period of five years, thus depicting our journey
in implementing our turnaround strategy, BGE 2.0.
Broadband Infraco has adopted the Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework since its inception by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Our reporting is dynamic, year on year, we incorporate the developments and application of the IR framework that has challenged our thinking to become more integrated.
Through this Report, we aim to guide our stakeholders to:
- View our performance within the economic, technological, social, regulatory
and political environment; - Gauge the capability of our Board of Directors to lead the Company’s value
creation; - Comprehend how our governance structures enable our strategic objectives
and operational performance; - Understand our challenges and risks that affect our decisions and
performance; - Understand certain shifts made in the use of our resources; and
Assess our ability to mitigate the unintended adverse impacts on the
environment and stakeholders.
About Broadband Infraco
Broadband Infraco SOC is a licensed state owned company in the telecommunications sector. The entity provides long distance national and international connectivity to licensed private sector partners, license-exempt project of national importance and to previously underserviced areas.
It is focused on improving market efficiency in the long distance connectivity segment by increasing available long distance network infrastructure, providing available capacity to stimulate private sector innovation in telecommunications services and content offerings.
The company aims to expand the availability and affordability of access to national and international wholesale broadband connectivity to licensed and license-exempt customers. In addition, it seeks to unlock economic growth in the provinces through the provision of broadband connectivity considering the requirements of the underdeveloped and under-serviced areas.
Braodband Infraco is assisting in enabling national, provincial and regional private and public collaboration and partnerships in the promotion of infrastructure development.