Posts Tagged
‘broadband infraco’

Homebroadband infraco
Broadband Infraco and ItakaneICT Covid-19 PartnershipBroadband Infraco has partnered with ItakaneICT on a strategic alliance to bring cashless money services to rural and disadvantaged communities in an effort to step up the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak. BBI’s fibre runs through the rural areas of South Africa, providing much needed infrastructure to ensure inclusion of [...]

Service and Network Operations Southern Africa (SNOSA) 2018 Broadband Infraco is proud to be hosting The Southern African Telecommunications Association (SATA) SNOSA forum. the platform allows for the sharing of information in areas related to the operations of Telecoms/ICT networks across fixed, mobile and next generation networks. SNOSA 2018 the Telecommunications and ICT Service and […]