Archive for the
‘Tenders’ Category

Request For QuotationsInvitation To Submit A Quotation For Fundamentals Of Financial Evaluation Of Projects Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 17 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: This programme is required to dive into the financial data of listed companies to fully understand what it means for a company to create value. This [...]
Request For Quotations invitation To Submit A Quotation For Financial Insights For Non-Directors Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 17 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: This training is to assist directors that do have a financial background to a well-grounded understanding of the financial concepts that underpin the preparation and presentation of [...]
Request For QuotationsInvitation To Submit A Quotation For Creating Maps And Visualization With ArcGIS Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 17 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Training in ArcGIS Pro techniques to create and share a variety of professional-quality information products including print maps, web maps, 3D scenes, animations, and charts. MATERIALS: [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Ci-ccna Implementing And Administering Cisco Solutions Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: CI-CCNA Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions Training for the following attendees: James Kalenga Sanele Buthelezi Requirements. Overview course content CISCO certification for providing training [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Skills Development Training And Management Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Skills development training and management for the following attendee: Aan Sweety This course enables organizations and individuals to develop a professional approach to skills development and [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Professional Report Writing Skills Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Latest amendments to the labor legislation training for the following attendee: Pheladi Mankge This will cover all labour law requirements such as disciplinary hearings, employment equity, [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Latest Amendments To The Labour Legislation Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Latest amendments to the labor legislation training for the following attendee: Pheladi Mankge This will cover all labour law requirements such as disciplinary hearings, [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Conflict Management And Resolution Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Conflict management training and conflict resolution training for the following attendees: Sthembiso Shazi Isaac Mkhonto Maurice Malebe An Introduction to Conflict Resolution The Thomas-Kidman Instrument Creating [...]
Request For QuotationsYou Are Hereby Invited To Submit Quotation For Air Conditioner Installation, Maintenance And Safe Handling Glasses Training Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Air conditioner installation, maintenance, and safe handling glasses training for the following attendee: Sanjay Gokul NQF Aligned The following material to be [...]

August 11, 2021


News, Tenders


Request For QuotationsINVITATION TO SUPPLY, INSTALL AND SUPPLY, INSTALL AND REPLACE AIRCONDITIONERS IN GEORGE Tweet CLOSING DATE: 13 AUGUST 2021 AT 12h00 (SOUTH AFRICAN TIME). SCOPE OF WORK: Supply, Install and replace the current 2 x 18000BTU air conditioners with 2 x 24000 BTU Aircon1-phase, inverter type air conditioners at BBI George to complement the [...]